This document assumes knowledge in configuring and compiling kernels. Also, the FreeS/WAN documentation is extensive enough to guide you through the process of compiling kernels and getting basic ipsec links up with peers. See the references section for links where you can find all the details you want. Lets concentrate on the specific case of getting a fully functional connection to the VLAN going, starting with the configuration of the kernel.
To make fully use of the VLAN link you're about to set up, your kernel will need support for a number of things. The relevant bits out of $KERNEL_SOURCE/.config are below. The support for most, if not all, of these components can be either in module (<M>) form or compiled in (<y>), depending on your preference. This is the minimum requirement for getting things to work.
As you can see, it basically boils down to support for Netfilter/iptables, GRE tunnels and IPSec. Support for TCP/IP networking is implied. X.509 support in your FreeS/WAN implementation is assumed, no further kernel configuration is required for that to work. For more information on adding X.509 certificate support to FreeS/WAN, see the References section.
First thing to do is set up the x509 infrastructure, so that FreeS/Wan is able to find everything it needs.
Just for convenience the list of files used in this part of the configuration (assuming sane default names):
/etc/ipsec.d/private/myKey.pem /etc/ipsec.secrets /etc/x509cert.der /etc/ipsec.d/cacerts/vpnCA.pem /etc/ipsec.d/crls/vpnCRL.pem
Move the earlier generated private key file to /etc/ipsec.d/private/myKey.pem and modify /etc/ipsec.secrets so that it reads something like:
:RSA myKey.pem "my_uberl33t_passphrase"
on the first line of the file. This is necessary to unlock the private key which was encrypted with a passphrase when it was generated. Using this format will make FreeS/Wan assume all keyed connections will use certificates, with the indicated private key to match. For security reasons you can now chmod 600 both the myKey.pem en ipsec.secrets file, so only root can read or write to it.
Depending on which format you receive your X.509 certificate back, you either need to convert it or simply copy it to its proper location. This is because the default FreeS/Wan looks for is /etc/x509cert.der, which as the name implies needs to be your certificate in DER format. The VLAN CA sends both recognised forms (DER and PEM) back, but just in case “man x509” tells you how to convert from one format to another. In short; /etc/x509cert.der needs to be the X.509 certificate the CA signed for you in DER format (item 1). Item 2 is the CA's own public certificate, which goes in /etc/ipsec.d/cacerts/. Just copy it there and FreeS/Wan will find it. The last item you received is the list which contains all the certificates which the CA signed, but marked invalid at a later date. This file goes in /etc/ipsec.d/crls/.
The first step after setting up all the certificate stuff is to get a point-to-point IPSec link going with a NAP. This process is similar to setting up a regular IPSec link as per the FreeS/Wan documentation, with the little difference that instead of a reference to the public RSA key of both ends, there will now be a reference to the identifying DN of their X.509 certificates. Assuming that the NAP you connect to is “right” and you are “left”, your /etc/ipsec.conf should look something like the below code snippet:
config setup interfaces=%defaultroute klipsdebug=none plutodebug=none plutoload=%search plutostart=%search uniqueids=yes conn vlan-link right=a.b.c.d rightnexthop=e.f.g.h rightid="C=CC, O=VLAN, E=admin@vlan.NAP" rightrsasigkey=%cert left=%defaultroute leftid="C=CC, O=VLAN_CLIENTNET, E=admin@vlan.clientnet" leftrsasigkey=%cert compress=yes authby=rsasig auto=start type=transport
This is a very basic configuration, but is likely to work, assuming firewalls and such are configured to allow the traffic needed (protocol 50 and port 500/udp), and your setup is fairly straightforward. Add complexity as needed for your environment.
Given that all we need out of the ipsec link is a point-to-point encrypted channel to pass GRE over, transport mode suffices, which explains the “type=transport” in the configuration.
As of the Linux kernel 2.5.x development series, Linux users are blessed with a native cryptography API, and an ipsec implementation for IPv4. Given that the now stabilized 2.6 series kernel will be in widespread use soon, this section will deal with configuring the builtin IPSec for use with the VLAN.
As in the previous sections on Linux IPSec, the relevant bits out of $KERNEL_SOURCE/.config are listed below. The support for most, if not all, of these components can be either in module (<M>) form or compiled in (<y>), depending on your preference. This is the minimum requirement for getting things to work:
Breaking it down, it amounts to adding support for Netfilter, GRE, IPSec and the Cryptographic API. Again, being able to set all these options implies having TCP/IP networking support enabled.
We'll place all the keys and certificates under /etc/certs, with the difference that your own x509 certificate is now copied to /etc/certs/myCert.pem. So everything now looks as follows:
/etc/certs/myKey.pem /etc/certs/myCert.pem /etc/certs/napCert.pem
The /etc/certs/napCert.pem file is the x.509 certificate of the NAP you're connecting to.
Linux 2.6 IPsec works with policies. In the configuration sample below, two policies are defined, one for incoming traffic and one for outgoing traffic. Put this configuration in a file, e.g. /etc/ipsec.conf:
#!/sbin/setkey -f flush; spdflush; spdadd a.b.c.d w.x.y.w any -P in ipsec esp/transport//require; spdadd w.x.y.z. a.b.c.d any -P out ipsec esp/transport//require;
and load it into the kernel with `setkey -f /etc/ipsec.conf`.
To automate the ipsec negotiations (exchanging keys, validating them, etc), a key management daemon is used. The ipsec-tools package which is used for Linux 2.6 ipsec contains a port of BSD's racoon for this. It's set up for use on the VLAN by building a configuration file /etc/racoon/racoon.conf as follows:
path certificate "/etc/certs"; listen { isakmp w.x.y.z; } remote a.b.c.d { exchange mode main; my_identifier asn1dn; peer_identifier asn1dn; peers_certfile "napCert.pem"; certificate_type x509 "myCert.pem" "myKey.pem"; proposal { encryption_algorithm 3des; hash_algorithm sha1; authentication_method rsasig; dh_group 2; } } sainfo address w.x.y.z any address a.b.c.d any { pfs_group 2; encryption_algorithm 3des; authentication_algorithm hmac_sha1; compression_algorithm deflate; }
Now, when traffic appears which matches one of the policies defined above, the IPSec negotiation will start, which will hopefully result in a working IPSec tunnel.
Assuming the previous section resulted in a working IPSec connection to a NAP, you can now proceed with adding a GRE tunnel. For this the IPRoute2 package is used, which basically is another frontend to the netfilter code in the kernel. Learn to love the powerfull, but unfortunately underdocumented `ip` tool. A reference for the usage of this tool is the manual page (`man ip`), but also LARTC (see references).
A couple of assumptions are made for this part in the process, they are listed below:
your endpoint VPN address will be ( is your assigned subnet), your current public IP address is w.x.y.z
considering the above, your peer's VPN address will be, its public IP address is a.b.c.d
ipsec0 is your IPSec device used by the kernel for routing ipsec packets (where applicable)
The following commands will result in a GRE tunnel which is tied to the ipsec0 interface:
ipsec0 is an interface created by FreeS/Wan. If FreeS/Wan is not used, it is not possible to tie the GRE tunnel to a specific interface. Beware that in this case when the IPSec transport dies, the GRE tunnel will still be functional, sending now unencrypted traffic to its intended peer. Leave out “dev ipsec0” in the below command if FreeS/Wan is not used.
ip tunnel add vlan-link mode gre remote a.b.c.d local w.x.y.z ttl 255 dev ipsec0 ip addr add peer dev vlan-link ip link set vlan-link up
With some luck, you'll now have another network interface “vlan-link”, which you can use to send plain IPv4 traffic to...any IPv4 traffic, including routing information, which we'll attend to next.
The easiest way to get your traffic routed to the VLAN is by adding a static route into your kernel routing table.
ip route add via dev vlan-link
However, for that to work, you will also need to convince the NAP admin to add a (static) route for your subnet into the NAP host's routing tables. This is an administrative burden, and error prone, so VLAN makes use of dynamic routing protocols to pass around routing information.
OSPF is implemented in Linux with Zebra, or more recently, Quagga. Its configuration format has a lot of similarities with Cisco's IOS, so if you're a network admin, you'll feel right at home. Using Zebra's ospfd the following configuration can be used:
interface vlan-link ip ospf network point-to-point ! router ospf ospf router-id redistribute kernel route-map vlan-filter redistribute connected route-map vlan-filter network area 0 network area 0 ! access-list vlan-net permit ! route-map vlan-filter permit 10 match ip address vlan-net !
Don't forget to save any changes you make to /etc/zebra/ospfd.conf. Hopefully the routers on either end of the GRE tunnel will see eachother right away which saves troubleshooting. Check with the zebra command (in the zebra console interface, telnet localhost 2604):
sh ip ospf neighbor
Which should produce something that looks like:
Neighbor ID Pri State Dead Time Address Interface RXmtL RqstL DBsmL 1 Full/DROther 00:00:38 vlan-link: 0 0 0
The “Full/DROther” indicates a full OSPF relation between both routers. You can verify the distribution of routes with typing:
ip route show
in your shell, which should yield a rather large routing table with lots of “proto zebra” entries.
Apart from the GRE part of the process, all configuration steps are carried out using configuration files. Automating the setup of the GRE tunnel is a bit trickier as it requires the ipsec tunnel to be up and running before the attempt is made to create a GRE tunnel over it. For the lazy people amongst us, Russel Howe has solved this problem for FreeS/Wan users by creating a set of scripts which get called when an IPSec tunnel comes up or goes down. It's still work in progress (for VLAN we're working on getting rid of the configuration files which it depends on), but they're quite functional already. You can download these scripts from˜rhowe/ipsec_gre.tar.gz. These scripts come with a manual, read it for installation instructions.
[ToDo] Steg promised to write this.
The “hard” way (native)
Using the tools on
OSPF routing with netsh and/or gui (
Add screenshots.